Alexei Navalny Death Latest: Putin Critic's 'Bruised Body Seen in Morgue' as Family Demands It is Returned

The whereabouts of Alexei Navalny's body have not been confirmed by his team or the Russian authorities. His family is demanding the return of his body.


Putin Believed to be Untouchable, Says Wife of Jailed Activist

Evgenia Kara-Murza, the wife of jailed opposition figure Vladimir Kara-Murza, has accused Vladimir Putin of murder and stated that he believes he is 'untouchable'. Kara-Murza spoke to the BBC and stated that years of impunity have led Putin to think that he is invulnerable.

An independent Russian newspaper has reported that an anonymous source claimed that Navalny's body had been transported to a hospital, but the Russian authorities have not confirmed this. The unnamed paramedic source stated that the body was bruised and had been moved from a nearby town.

Navalny's team has accused the authorities of deliberately hiding his body to cover up what they believe was a murder. His mother visited the morgue but was told that her son's body was not there.

Wife of Jailed Activist Believes More Prisoners' Lives in Danger

Evgenia Kara-Murza, the wife of imprisoned opposition leader Vladamir Kara-Murza, expressed her belief that there are 'many more' prisoners in danger following the death of Alexei Navalny. She stated that her husband's collapse in 2015 raised suspicions about the treatment of political prisoners, who often lack proper medical care.

Kara-Murza made these comments during an interview on BBC News. She expressed concern about the conditions faced by political prisoners and their lack of access to medical treatment. She fears for the lives of many prisoners, including her husband.

She stated that she sleeps with her phone by her side, fearing another call about her husband's health.

Concerns over 'Dirty Money' in London Amid Russia Sanctions

David Lammy, the shadow foreign secretary, has raised concern about 'dirty money' flowing through London amid sanctions against Russia. He stated that Labour would look to strengthen existing sanctions if they win the election, particularly in light of Navalny's death. He expressed concern about the lack of enforcement of the Russia report and the interference in elections.

Lammy's comments were made during an interview with the BBC. He emphasized the need to hold Russia accountable for its actions and plug gaps in the existing sanctions. He stated that the UK has taken a leading role in imposing sanctions but called for stronger enforcement.

Lammy also criticized the lack of implementation of the Russia report and raised concerns about interference in elections.


Police Detain Mourners at Navalny Memorial Event

Police in Moscow have detained mourners who were showing their support following the death of Alexei Navalny. Over 177 people were reportedly detained at events that included the laying of flowers and protests. Passersby captured footage of the police carrying people away in Moscow and St Petersburg.

Authorities have warned Russians against participating in demonstrations. The cause of Navalny's death has not been officially confirmed, but blame is being shifted towards Vladimir Putin.

Navalny's family is calling for his body to be released.