Blue Origin's New Shepard Rocket Launch Scrubbed Due to Ground System Issue

Blue Origin's New Shepard rocket launch was postponed due to a ground system issue, delaying the rocket's return to flight after a previous failure.


Launch Delayed Due to Ground System Issue

Blue Origin's first launch of the New Shepard tourism rocket in over a year was scrubbed on Monday morning. The company cited a ground system issue as the reason for the delay. The team is currently troubleshooting the issue.

Initially, the launch was delayed for an hour due to cold temperatures at the launch site in West Texas. Blue Origin has announced that they will make another launch attempt on Tuesday.

The launch will be streamed live on the company's website.

Previous New Shepard Failure

The New Shepard rocket previously suffered a failure during a test flight in 2022. The rocket experienced a moment of maximum stress, causing a burst of flames and triggering the launch abort system for the capsule. The system worked as intended, but the rocket was destroyed upon impact with the ground.

Blue Origin later determined that the failure was due to a problem with the engine nozzle. The company has implemented design changes to address the issue.

Upcoming Projects and Concerns

Alongside the return of New Shepard, Blue Origin is also focused on the development of the New Glenn rocket. The company is working to deliver on its promise of launching large payloads into orbit. However, Jeff Bezos expressed nervousness about the first launch of New Glenn, highlighting the inherent risks associated with rocket launches.

The BE-4 engines used in New Glenn will also power United Launch Alliance's Vulcan Centaur rocket. Both rockets have important missions on the horizon, including delivering a NASA-sponsored lander to the moon and studying the magnetized area of space around Mars.