Daryl Hall Files Lawsuit and Restraining Order Against John Oates

A judge has put a halt to the sale of a joint venture between Daryl Hall and John Oates after Hall claimed it would violate their business agreement.


Judge Blocks Sale of Joint Venture

Daryl Hall has been granted a temporary restraining order against his music partner John Oates to prevent the sale of their joint venture. The order was issued after Hall argued that the sale would violate the terms of their business agreement.

The lawsuit, filed on November 16, also named Aimee Oates (John Oates's wife) and Richard Flynn as co-trustees of The John W Oates TISA Trust. Hall was granted the restraining order a day later after a $50,000 bond was obtained.

According to the judge's order, Oates and others involved in his trust are not allowed to close the sale of their share of Whole Oats Enterprises LLP until an arbitrator from a separate case rules on the matter or until the order expires in about 15 days.

Confidentiality Breach and Unauthorised Transaction

Details of Hall's lawsuit were initially kept confidential, but a judge's order on November 22 allowed more filings to be made public. While the specific details of the sale have not been disclosed, it is known that Primary Wave IP Investment Management LLC has a significant interest in the Hall and Oates song catalogue.

The lawsuit alleges that Oates's team violated a confidentiality provision by disclosing Hall & Oates's business agreement to Primary Wave Music in a letter of intent for the sale. Hall claims that this constitutes an indisputable breach of contract.

A hearing for the case has been scheduled for November 30.

Hall & Oates Legacy and Relationship

Hall & Oates, known for their pop R&B hits, have been a double act since 1970 and have released 18 studio albums together. They were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2014. Outside of their joint work, both musicians have recorded solo albums and toured as individuals.

Their relationship has been described as strictly professional by Hall, who emphasizes that they are business partners rather than creative partners. Hall claims sole credit for their No. 1 hit "Kiss On My List", released in 1980, despite Oates being listed as a co-producer.

Despite any creative differences, the duo continues to perform their popular songs on tour and enjoys the success of their extensive catalogue.