Dating Apps and Addiction: Understanding the Science Behind the Swipe

A class-action lawsuit claims that dating apps like Tinder and Hinge use dopamine-manipulating features to keep users addicted. Here's an exploration of the science behind dating app addiction and 6 signs to watch out for.


How do dating apps give us a dopamine hit?

Dating apps, like many apps today, are designed to keep users engaged. They activate the brain's dopamine reward system, which is responsible for pleasure and motivation. The excitement and unpredictability of swiping through profiles and receiving matches contribute to the addictive nature of these apps.

App features like intermittent reinforcement, where matches are provided at irregular intervals, and social rewards like hearts and roses also contribute to the addictive nature of dating apps. These features provide a sense of pleasure, excitement, and social validation, all of which activate the brain's dopamine system.

6 signs of addictive dating app use

While not everyone who uses dating apps will develop an addiction, some signs indicate a problematic relationship with these apps. These signs include:

1. Salience: dating app use dominating your thoughts

2. Mood modification: dating apps changing your mood

3. Tolerance: increased use of dating apps over time

4. Withdrawal: distress when unable to use dating apps

5. Conflict: negative impact of dating app use on your life

6. Relapse: returning to previous patterns of dating app use

What to do if you're hooked on a dating app

If you find yourself spending excessive time on dating apps, there are steps you can take to break the addiction:

- Take a break from the apps to reset your reliance on them

- Identify the emotional triggers that lead you to use the app and find alternative ways to cope

- Make a list of the negative consequences of excessive app use to motivate yourself to reduce it

- Practice mindfulness to sit with the discomfort of reducing app use

- Consider seeking professional help if you're struggling to take a break from dating apps

Remember that dating apps are not the only way to meet people and that in-person interactions can provide excitement and dopamine hits too.