Decades Old Physics Mystery – Feynman's Sprinkler Problem Finally Solved

A group of mathematicians believe they have finally solved Feynman's sprinkler problem, a decades-old physics mystery. Their experiments and mathematical modeling have provided new insights into the mechanics of reverse sprinkler rotation.


The Decades-Old Problem

For generations, children have enjoyed playing with old-fashioned, s-shaped garden sprinklers during the summer heat. However, the question of what would happen if the sprinkler head was submerged and took in water instead of expelling it has puzzled physicists for decades. This problem, famously posed by physicist Richard Feynman, is known as Feynman's sprinkler problem. Would the sprinkler rotate in the reverse direction? Or would it stay stationary, driven by suction?

Multiple experiments conducted since the 1940s have produced conflicting results, with some showing reverse rotation, erratic motion, or momentary movement. The discrepancies were attributed to the experimental setups and friction in the rotating shaft. Previous studies did not fully account for other forces at play. Therefore, a new approach was needed to solve this mystery.

New Experiments and Insights

A team of mathematicians, led by New York University physics doctoral student Kaizhe Wang, conducted a series of experiments to shed light on Feynman's sprinkler problem. They designed a custom-made reverse sprinkler with a new ultra-low-friction rotary bearing, allowing it to spin freely. The sprinkler had two curved tube arms and a siphon to take in water when submerged in a tank.

To overcome limitations of previous experiments, the researchers ensured their device could run indefinitely, allowing for longer observation periods. They also used colored dyes, laser-scattering microparticles, and high-speed cameras to visualize and record the rotation of the sprinkler and water flows. This enabled them to compare their experimental results with mathematical modeling outputs.

The Surprising Discovery

The team found that the reverse sprinkler initially spins in the opposite direction when taking in water, similar to when it ejects water. The cause of this reverse rotation is subtle and surprising. As the incoming water jets collide within the sprinkler's internal chamber, they generate torque that rotates the hub.

While the motion of the sprinkler hub was not steady, it did rotate in the opposite direction, albeit at a slower speed compared to an out-flow sprinkler. The experiments and mathematical models showed remarkable agreement, providing a better understanding of fluid flow-induced motion. This knowledge could have practical applications, such as engineering technologies to harness energy from flowing air or water.