Did The Future Already Happen?

A summary of Kurzgesagt's latest video on the paradox of time


The Block Universe Theory

Kurzgesagt's latest video on the paradox of time delves into the block universe theory, which is an old theory of time that aligns with Einstein's theory of special relativity.

According to this theory, the past, present, and future all exist simultaneously and are equally real. This means that time doesn't flow and things in the universe do not happen - they simply 'are'.

Referred to as eternalism in philosophical contexts, the block universe theory challenges our human perception of time and suggests a different understanding of temporal existence.

The Growing Block Theory

In contrast to the block universe theory, the growing block theory posits that while the past may still exist, the present is yet to come.

This theory, which is also compatible with Einstein's relativity, suggests that time is not fixed but rather evolves and expands. It introduces the idea that the present is constantly being added to, while the past remains unchanged.

By acknowledging the dynamic nature of time, the growing block theory offers an alternative perspective on temporal existence.

Alternative Views on Time

Beyond the block universe and growing block theories, there are other perspectives on how time operates.

Some scientists propose that the concept of 'now' is only relevant to our immediate surroundings and does not hold true for the entire universe. Others argue that time is merely an illusion created by our human minds.

Another view suggests that while time exists, it is not a fundamental aspect of the universe. Instead, time may emerge from a deeper level of reality, similar to how heat emerges from molecular motion or life emerges from the interactions of non-living matter.

These differing theories challenge our understanding of time and encourage further exploration and contemplation of this fascinating topic.