EU Approves Funding for Next Generation Cloud Infrastructure and Services

The European Commission has approved an Important Project of Common European Interest (IPCEI) to support research, development, and first industrial deployment of advanced cloud and edge computing technologies. The project, called IPCEI Next Generation Cloud Infrastructure and Services (IPCEI CIS), involves seven member states and aims to develop an interoperable and openly accessible European data processing ecosystem. With up to €1.2 billion in public funding and an additional €1.4 billion in private investments, the IPCEI CIS plans to undertake 19 highly innovative projects, including the development of an open-source software for real-time and low-latency services.


IPCEI CIS: Boosting Cloud and Edge Computing Innovation in Europe

The European Commission has given its approval for an Important Project of Common European Interest (IPCEI) called IPCEI Next Generation Cloud Infrastructure and Services (IPCEI CIS). This project, jointly notified by France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, and Spain, aims to support research, development, and first industrial deployment of advanced cloud and edge computing technologies across multiple providers in Europe.

IPCEI CIS is the first IPCEI in the cloud and edge computing domain. It focuses on the development of an interoperable and openly accessible European data processing ecosystem known as the multi-provider cloud to edge continuum. This ecosystem will enable the development of data processing capabilities, software, and data sharing tools for federated, energy-efficient, and trustworthy cloud and edge distributed data processing technologies and services.

With a total of €1.2 billion in public funding from the participating member states, the IPCEI CIS expects to unlock an additional €1.4 billion in private investments. The project will undertake 19 highly innovative projects, involving 19 companies, including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). These projects aim to enable the digital and green transition in Europe by providing infrastructure-related software, developing a common reference architecture, creating advanced cloud and edge services, and exploring sector-specific applications.

Benefits of IPCEI CIS

The IPCEI CIS project has the potential to revolutionize the cloud and edge computing landscape in Europe. By developing an open-source software that allows for real-time and low-latency services, it reduces the need to transmit large volumes of data to centralised cloud servers. This will enable distributed computing resources close to the user, enabling faster and more efficient data processing.

The IPCEI CIS projects cover the entire cloud edge continuum, from the basic software layer to sector-specific applications. This will have wide-ranging benefits, including the development of necessary infrastructure capabilities, the creation of a common reference architecture, the deployment of advanced cloud and edge services, and the exploration of sector-specific cases in areas such as energy, health, and maritime sectors. The project aims to advance the Digital and Green transition in Europe, opening up new possibilities for businesses and citizens.

The research, development, and first industrial deployment phases of the IPCEI CIS will take place between 2023 and 2031. During these phases, it is expected that at least 1,000 direct and indirect highly qualified jobs will be created. The project will also have significant positive spill-over effects for non-participating companies, competitors, and final users throughout Europe. The participants will actively share their results and knowledge with the European industry and scientific community, contributing to the development of open-source communities and licensing intellectual property rights at fair and non-discriminatory terms.

Commission's Assessment and Funding Details

The European Commission has assessed the IPCEI CIS project under EU State aid rules and concluded that it fulfills the required conditions set out in its Communication on Important Projects of Common European Interest. The project directly contributes to achieving several EU objectives in digital, green, secure, resilient, and sovereign economy.

The participating companies will receive public support limited to what is necessary, proportionate, and does not unduly distort competition. The total planned maximum aid amounts are in line with the eligible costs of the projects and their funding gaps. If successful projects generate extra net revenues, the companies will return part of the aid received to the respective member state through a claw-back mechanism.

The IPCEI CIS project involves 19 projects from 19 companies, with the member states providing up to €1.2 billion in public funding. In addition to the direct participants, there are more than 90 indirect partners, including large, medium, and small enterprises, start-ups, and research organizations located in five additional EU member states. The indirect partners can obtain public support under the General Block Exemption Regulation. The Recovery and Resilience Plans of Germany, Italy, Poland, and Spain include their participation in the IPCEI CIS, allowing them to fund their projects through the Recovery and Resilience Facility.