Exercise Benefits Women’s Health More Than Men’s, Study Finds

A new study reveals that exercise provides greater health benefits for women compared to men.


Exercise Benefits Women’s Health

According to a recent study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, exercise has been shown to provide even greater health benefits for women compared to men. The study found that women needed less exercise to gain the same benefits as men.

Dr. Susan Cheng, the senior study author and director of the Institute for Research on Healthy Aging, stated that for a given amount of time and effort put into exercise, women had more to gain than men. The study showed that women who exercised for at least 150 minutes a week were 24% less likely to die from any cause, while men who exercised for the same amount of time were 15% less likely to die.

The study also revealed that women who exercised had a 36% reduced risk of heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiovascular events, compared to a 14% reduced risk in men. Furthermore, women saw the same benefits in reducing their risk of death with 140 minutes of exercise per week, compared to men who needed 300 minutes.

Explaining the Difference in Exercise Benefits

One possible explanation for the greater benefits of exercise in women is that they tend to exercise with less frequency and intensity compared to men. This means that when women do exercise, they may see a greater impact on their health.

Another factor could be physiological differences between men and women. Studies have shown that women are more likely to make faster and bigger gains in muscular strength when they work out compared to men. This suggests that women have a different physiology when it comes to exercise and may respond differently.

However, the exact reasons for the difference in exercise benefits between men and women are still unclear and require further research to fully understand.

The Importance of Exercise for Everyone

Regardless of the gender differences, the study emphasizes the importance of exercise for overall health and well-being. Even a limited amount of exercise can have significant benefits.

Dr. Andrew Freeman, director of cardiovascular prevention and wellness, emphasizes that physical activity is often underutilized as a treatment option and not prioritized by doctors. Exercise offers a wide range of benefits, from preventing heart disease to improving mood and mental health.

Experts recommend aiming for a minimum of 30 minutes of brisk activity each day, but even any exercise is better than none. The key is to find activities that you enjoy, make exercise a regular part of your routine, and start gradually to build up your fitness level.