Flight Carrying Indian Citizens Sequestered in French Airport Amid Human Trafficking Investigation

About 300 Indian citizens heading to Central America were sequestered in a French airport for a third day Saturday after a dramatic police operation prompted by a tip that those aboard might be victims of human trafficking, authorities said.


Passengers Sequestered at Vatry Airport

The Vatry Airport in France has become the site of an ongoing investigation into a potential case of human trafficking. Approximately 300 Indian citizens, including children and families, were detained at the airport on Saturday after a tip prompted a police operation. The authorities received information that the individuals on board a Legend Airlines charter flight from the United Arab Emirates to Nicaragua may be victims of human trafficking.

Local authorities took measures to ensure the privacy of the passengers, hanging white tarps over the windows of the airport. Flights were canceled or rerouted, and the airport was transformed into a hub for the investigation. The crew members of the flight were questioned and later released.

Passengers' Situation at the Airport

The passengers have been sequestered in the Vatry Airport for two nights, sleeping on camp beds, while the investigation continues. The airport administration has made arrangements to provide essential services, such as regular meals, medical care, and access to toilets and showers. Emergency workers, Red Cross workers, and local volunteers are present to assist the passengers.

Indian consular representatives are visiting regularly to ensure the well-being of the Indian citizens. The Indian Embassy in France has also provided consular access to the passengers and is conducting an investigation into the situation. Legend Airlines has denied any involvement in human trafficking.

Background and Response

The investigation was initiated based on an anonymous tip received by the Paris prosecutor's office. The flight was grounded on Thursday while en route for refueling. Two people have been detained, and special investigators are questioning the remaining passengers.

The airport disruptions caused by the investigation have affected other flights as well. The Vatry Airport primarily handles charter and cargo flights. The crew members of the Legend Airlines flight, who come from multiple nationalities, have expressed their trauma and desire to be with their families for Christmas.