Former Apple Exec Introduces AI-Powered Glasses

Brilliant Labs, a tech startup founded by a former Apple employee, has announced its new augmented reality glasses called Frame. The lightweight glasses promise to provide wearers with 'AI superpowers' through the company's voice assistant, Noa. Frame is designed to offer various AI capabilities, including mealtime visual analysis, language translation, web search, and image projection. The glasses weigh about 40 grams and can be ordered with prescription lenses. They will retail for $349 and will be available for pre-order on Brilliant Labs' website, with shipping to start in April.


Brilliant Labs Introduces Frame AR Glasses

Brilliant Labs, a startup founded by a former Apple employee, is bringing a new augmented reality (AR) glasses product called Frame to the market. Frame is a pair of lightweight AR glasses that offer wearers 'AI superpowers' through the company's voice assistant, Noa. The glasses are designed to be worn all day and come with a suite of AI capabilities out of the box.

The startup was founded by Bobak Tavangar, a former program lead at Apple, and is backed by Niantic CEO John Hanke. Frame is integrated with several AI models, including conversational web search, text-to-image analysis, and speech recognition, to power its features.

With Frame, wearers can enjoy features such as mealtime visual analysis, language translation, web search, and image projection. The glasses are designed to fit most people and can be ordered with prescription lenses. They will retail for $349 and can be pre-ordered on Brilliant Labs' website, with shipping starting in April.

Competition in the AI-Powered Wearables Market

Brilliant Labs' Frame AR glasses will be entering a market that already has other wearable devices powered by AI technology. Humane's AI Pin and Rabbit's R1 are some of the competitors in this space. However, Frame aims to stand out with its lightweight and versatile design, offering various AI capabilities to its users.

The glasses have the potential to be used by tourists for language translation and directions, as well as by shoppers for web searches and price comparison. Frame's integration of AI models allows for a wide range of applications and functionalities, making it a compelling choice in the AI-powered wearables market.

Additionally, Brilliant Labs has a track record in the AR device space, with Frame being its second AR product after Monocle. Monocle is a programmable single-lens AR device known for its open-source nature. The introduction of Frame further solidifies Brilliant Labs' presence in the AR industry.

Apple's Vision Pro and the Future of AR Devices

Last week, Apple unveiled its own AR device, the Vision Pro, which CEO Tim Cook described as the 'most advanced consumer electronics device ever created.' Priced at $3,499.99, the bulky headset aims to seamlessly blend digital content with the physical world, offering powerful spatial experiences controlled by users' eyes, hands, and voice.

While Apple's Vision Pro targets high-end consumers with its advanced features, Brilliant Labs' Frame caters to a broader audience with its lightweight design and more affordable price tag of $349. Both devices showcase the growing adoption of AR technology and the potential for AI-powered wearables to enhance daily experiences and provide new functionalities.

As more tech companies explore AR and AI, the competition in the market is expected to intensify. Consumers can look forward to more innovative products that leverage these technologies to deliver immersive and intelligent experiences.