Former Brazilian President Bolsonaro Ordered to Hand In Passport

Brazil's former president Bolsonaro has been ordered to hand in his passport as part of a federal police operation called 'Time of Truth'.


Brazil's Former President Bolsonaro Ordered to Hand In Passport

Brazil's federal police have launched a new operation called 'Time of Truth' on Thursday morning, which includes an order for former president Bolsonaro to hand in his passport.

The measure is part of an ongoing investigation into Bolsonaro's alleged involvement in corruption and other crimes.

Bolsonaro's passport will be confiscated to prevent him from leaving the country while the investigation is ongoing.

Putin and Xi Discuss 'Mutual Rejection' of US Interference

In a recent meeting, Russian President Putin and Chinese President Xi discussed their 'mutual rejection' of US interference in their respective countries.

The leaders expressed their support for each other in resisting external influence and maintaining their sovereignty.

This comes amid increasing tensions between the US, Russia, and China in various geopolitical issues.

T Rowe Price Reports Worst Ever Outflows in 2023

Financial services company T Rowe Price has reported its worst ever outflows in 2023.

The company experienced significant withdrawals from its investment products, leading to a decline in assets under management.

This poor performance raises concerns about T Rowe Price's ability to attract and retain clients in the future.