'God forbid that a dog should die': when Goodreads reviews go bad

From cancelled books to 'review bombing', it might seem as though the website can make or break a career. But how influential is it really?


Goodreads and its Influence

Goodreads, the website for logging, rating, and reviewing books, has become known for its dramas and controversies.

Recent events, such as a fantasy author setting up fake accounts to post positive reviews of her own book and negative reviews of her competitors, have raised questions about the influence of Goodreads in the literary world.

However, the true impact of Goodreads remains unclear. Does it actually sell books and make or break careers?

The Dual Nature of Goodreads

Goodreads operates as both a social media platform and a consumer reports platform. It was acquired by Amazon in 2013, giving it the potential to influence book sales.

While the site presents itself as a community of book lovers, its main goal is to sell books. Goodreads makes it easy for users to purchase books and link their profiles to Amazon's Kindle.

The site uses its wholesome veneer to promote consumerism and capitalize on the desire to balance art and limited resources.

The Power of Goodreads Reviewers

Goodreads reviewers believe they are providing a public service by sharing their opinions on books. Their collective assessments help fellow readers determine what to read.

However, this power dynamic can be challenging for authors. Goodreads reviewers can directly impact an author's reputation and success.

Authors who do not cater to the expectations of reviewers may face backlash and negative reviews. Review bombing, a tactic where groups intentionally leave one-star reviews, has even led to extortion and blackmail against authors.


The Controversies of Goodreads

Goodreads users have specific expectations for books, and authors must navigate these demands to appease reviewers.

For example, reviewers may criticize a book for market misrepresentation, offensive themes, or even the use of certain words.

Controversies on Goodreads have escalated to the point where authors have withdrawn their books from publication due to review bombing campaigns.