'Golden Bachelor' Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist talk upcoming wedding, blending families

'Golden Bachelor' star Gerry Turner and his fiancée, Theresa Nist, share details about their upcoming wedding and their plans to blend their families.


'Golden Bachelor' Star Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist Discuss Wedding

Gerry Turner and his fiancée, Theresa Nist, are opening up about their highly anticipated wedding. The couple's nuptials will be televised live on ABC on January 4 at 8 p.m. ET. However, despite the cameras, Turner and Nist aim to create an intimate celebration for their loved ones. They want to make their big day a warm and special family moment. Nist expressed her desire to involve the fans who have been incredibly supportive throughout their journey of finding love.

Turner added that having their family members present will make the wedding feel even more intimate, as they will be surrounded by love and support. He shared that they won't have any trouble forgetting about the cameras, allowing them to fully immerse themselves in the joy of the moment. Turner acknowledged the responsibility they have to their fans, as their love story has inspired many. He emphasized that staying positive leads to beautiful outcomes, and their wedding is a celebration of that.

Both Turner and Nist are grateful for the seamless blending of their families. Nist's daughter and Turner's daughters have formed a strong bond and have actively participated in planning the wedding. The couple is delighted to see their kids develop a sisterly relationship, which reflects the unity and harmony between their families.

The Significance of Family

Turner and Nist highlighted the importance of family in their relationship. They jokingly mentioned that their family might even join them in Italy, teasing the closeness they share. They expressed their gratitude for the unwavering support and assistance they have received from their family members throughout their journey. Both Turner and Nist believe that having their family by their side on their special day will create a truly intimate and memorable experience for them.

The couple recognizes that their love story has impacted many viewers who are fans of 'The Bachelor.' They feel a sense of responsibility to continue inspiring others to find love and remain positive. Turner believes that their wedding is the ultimate reward for their positive outlook and serves as a testament to how hope, heart, and humor can bring people together.

Nist also expressed her appreciation for the seamless blending of their families. She stated that their children have embraced each other as siblings, demonstrating the love and acceptance that exists between them. The couple feels incredibly blessed to have witnessed the genuine connection between their kids and looks forward to a future filled with love and unity.