Gore emphasizes grassroots pressure in addressing climate change

Former Vice President Al Gore argues that grassroots pressure is crucial in curbing climate change.


Grassroots pressure is key in curbing climate change

During a CNN interview, Former Vice President Al Gore emphasized the importance of grassroots pressure in addressing the climate crisis.

Gore stated that although the situation is dire, there is hope if we can muster the political will and courage to take action.

Quoting Jean-Claude Juncker, the former president of the European Commission, Gore highlighted that we all know what needs to be done; the challenge lies in being reelected if those actions are taken. This is where grassroots pressure becomes crucial.

Demand for action is rising

Gore mentioned a recent CNN poll that found 73% of U.S. adults believe the federal government should develop climate policies aimed at reducing the country's warming pollution by 50% by the end of the decade.

He stated that people are rising up and demanding action, driven by the increasing frequency and intensity of heatwaves, floods, wildfires, and storms.

In order to overcome the influence of the fossil fuel industry, which has obstructed progress with its power and money, Gore believes that grassroots movements need to break through this blockade.

Need for reform in the COP process

Gore stressed the need for reform in the United Nations Conference of Parties (COP) process, particularly in relation to its requirement for unanimous consensus.

He argued that having a person in charge who does not have a direct conflict of interest is crucial, as decisions regarding consensus can be easily influenced.

Furthermore, Gore urged for a decision to shift away from fossil fuels and accelerate the transition to renewable energy and efficiency.