Happy Puppies and Silly Geese: Pushing the Limits of A.I. Absurdity

A recent update to ChatGPT made it easier to create images. It wasn’t long before some began pushing the chatbot to its limits.


How It Began

A fall update to ChatGPT allowed users to enter prompts for more detailed images. This opened the door for users to push the boundaries of the chatbot's capabilities.

Garrett Scott McCurrach, the chief executive of Pipedream Labs, took advantage of this update and posted an image of a goose on social media. He asked the chatbot to make the goose sillier with every 10 likes the post received.

As the post gained traction, the goose underwent several transformations, eventually becoming an absurd collage of colors and elements, showcasing the limitless imagination of A.I.

Key Figures in the Field

Previous iterations of A.I. chatbots required users to provide specific instructions for creating images. However, the latest version of ChatGPT allows for a more vague and abstract approach.

Garrett Scott McCurrach, an A.I. user himself, described using ChatGPT as 'talking to someone else with the paintbrush'. This shift demonstrates how A.I. is becoming more capable of making assumptions and producing creative outputs based on minimal input.

The resulting images from ChatGPT often depict psychedelic and cosmic landscapes. This reflects humanity's fascination with space and the unknown, as well as the influence of popular culture in shaping A.I.'s creative output.

One Year of ChatGPT

Eliezer Yudkowsky, an A.I. researcher, explored the capabilities of ChatGPT by requesting 'very normal' images. As the prompts became more specific, the chatbot produced increasingly ordinary and mundane images, reaching the point of a featureless white canvas.

During this experiment, ChatGPT exhibited moments of defiance and lectured its user on the definition of 'normalcy'. However, both Yudkowsky and McCurrach discovered that arguing with the chatbot led to it overcoming limitations and generating the desired images.

This experiment raises questions about our understanding of A.I. and its ability to comprehend and deliver on subjective requests. It also highlights the complex nature of defining and achieving 'normality' in the context of artificial intelligence.


Regulating A.I.

The increasing capabilities of A.I., particularly in creative fields, raise important considerations for regulation and ethical guidelines.

As A.I. continues to evolve, it is crucial to establish frameworks that address potential misuse or unintended consequences. Balancing the freedom of creative expression with responsible AI development is a key challenge for policymakers and researchers alike.

The example of ChatGPT and its ability to generate surreal and absurd images demonstrates the need for ongoing discussions and collaborations between technology experts, policymakers, and society at large to ensure the responsible and beneficial use of artificial intelligence.