Here's how AI will drive health care to meet consumer expectations

AI serves as the cornerstone of a new consumer-oriented phase of health care


The Shift in Patient Engagement and Expectations

The health care landscape has undergone a rapid transformation, marked by groundbreaking technologies, modern solutions, and a significant shift in how patients engage with the medical system. Patients are no longer passive recipients of care, but empowered and educated "consumers" who want to be involved in their care decisions.

This shift has the potential to benefit both patients and clinicians. Patients are driving the change in how care is delivered today, and their expectations are shaping the future of health care.

Patients now expect personalization in their care, increased engagement with their clinicians, and frequent communication. They also prioritize data privacy and security.

AI: The Linchpin for Meeting Consumer Expectations

To meet the evolving expectations of patients, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as the key technology. AI has the potential to bring consumer expectations to life in various aspects of health care, including cancer care.

One of the main expectations from patients is efficiency. AI can help by quickly analyzing massive amounts of data, providing clinicians and patients with faster access to results. This allows for more timely conversations around care.

Another expectation is personalization. Patients no longer want generic treatment regimens; they desire individualized care that takes into account their unique needs and preferences. AI can transform data into personalized treatment plans, improving treatment outcomes and patient satisfaction.

The Educated and Informed Patient

Today's patients are not just passive recipients of treatment; they want to be educated and informed about their care. They are willing to put in the effort to research and understand the treatments recommended to them.

AI-based health information tools can assist patients in better understanding their diagnosis and treatment options. This promotes a more informed discussion and shared decision-making process between patients and their physicians.

Patients also want privacy and data security. Medical data is deeply personal and sensitive, and patients expect responsible data practices from clinicians and AI developers, along with robust security measures to protect their information.