hindustantimes.com's Use of Personal Data

hindustantimes.com asks for your consent to use your personal data for various purposes.


Personalised advertising and content

hindustantimes.com may use your personal data to deliver personalised advertising and content to you. This means that the ads and content you see on the website will be tailored to your interests and preferences.

By using your personal data in this way, hindustantimes.com aims to provide you with a more relevant and engaging browsing experience.

However, if you prefer not to receive personalised advertising and content, you have the option to manage your preferences and opt out.

Advertising and content measurement

In addition to delivering personalised advertising and content, hindustantimes.com may also use your personal data for advertising and content measurement purposes.

This means that hindustantimes.com tracks and measures the effectiveness of the ads and content displayed on the website. By analyzing this data, hindustantimes.com can make improvements and optimize its advertising and content strategies.

Please note that the personal data used for advertising and content measurement is anonymized and aggregated to ensure your privacy.

Audience research and services development

Your personal data may also be used by hindustantimes.com for audience research and services development.

This involves analyzing user behavior, preferences, and trends to gain insights that can help improve the website's offerings and develop new services or features.

Rest assured that any data used for audience research and services development is anonymized and used in aggregate form, ensuring your personal privacy.


Data storage and sharing

When you consent to hindustantimes.com using your personal data, information from your device, such as cookies and unique identifiers, may be stored and accessed by the website.

Additionally, your personal data may be shared with 136 TCF vendor(s) and 66 ad partner(s), either for processing on the basis of legitimate interest or for use specifically by hindustantimes.com or its app.

To learn more about how your personal data is stored, accessed, and shared, you can refer to hindustantimes.com's privacy policy or manage your consent options by clicking the link provided at the bottom of the page.