Homes need to be built for better internet

A lack of understanding of internet infrastructure and a need to cut costs means many homes are not optimized for internet connectivity.


The Need for Better Digital Infrastructure

Many newly constructed homes are not equipped to handle the demands of modern internet connectivity. While ethernet wiring is being included in building plans, it is often the extent of the digital infrastructure. The placement of the internet hub inside the building and the materials used for construction are often overlooked.

According to the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF), focusing on improving digital infrastructure can have long-term economic, competitiveness, national security, and environmental benefits. This includes wiring buildings with Gigabit fiber internet and considering materials that do not obstruct Wi-Fi signals.

Architects and engineers have found that wiring residences for ethernet during construction can significantly reduce costs. However, the cost of Wi-Fi-penetrating materials is usually higher than common building materials, making them less attractive for builders trying to keep costs low.

Challenges for Older Buildings

Older buildings also face challenges when it comes to internet connectivity. Studies have shown that wireless signals, particularly high-frequency bands like Verizon's 5G home internet, can have difficulty penetrating certain building materials. Depending on the materials used, the Wi-Fi signal may only be able to reach a single room.

These challenges put the burden on residents to troubleshoot their own Wi-Fi issues and can add to the overall cost of setting up internet in a home. DIY ethernet installation can be costly and time-consuming, while hiring professionals to wire a place can be expensive.

Not everyone has the technical knowledge or the financial resources to address these issues, making it even more challenging for individuals who rely on internet access for work or other essential activities.

The Road to Better Internet Connectivity

To improve internet connectivity in homes, companies need to prioritize using materials that allow Wi-Fi signals to pass through more effectively. Additionally, the placement of fiber connection points should be reevaluated to prevent signal interference and degradation.

While cost reduction and speed are important considerations for builders, it is crucial to address the long-term impact of poor internet connectivity on residents. Simplified and standardized solutions for setting up home internet systems should be developed to make the process more accessible for all users.

By investing in better digital infrastructure and considering the needs of internet connectivity during the construction process, homes can be built to provide optimal internet experiences for residents.