How Does a Walk on a Treadmill Compare to a Walk Outdoors?

Whether you hot girl walk at the gym or around your neighborhood, here's what you should know.


Benefits of Outdoor Walking

Taking your walks outdoors adds variety, fresh air, sunlight, and multiple benefits for your physical and mental health. Here's a breakdown of the big plusses:

Walking outdoors engages different muscles and can help reduce overuse injuries.

Walking on uneven and complex surfaces boosts coordination, muscular strength, balance, and quality of life.

Being in outdoor environments lowers stress levels, boosts mood, reduces anxiety, and increases feelings of calmness and creativity.

Walking outside can help you connect with your community and meet new people.

Disadvantages of Outdoor Walking

Walking outdoors may not always be accessible or safe due to factors like weather conditions or lack of walking spaces.

During winter and in areas with long nights, walking outdoors can be hazardous.

Crime rates, wildlife, and other threats can make outdoor walking less safe.

Overcoming challenges like walking in the dark or adverse weather conditions requires proper precautions.

Benefits of Treadmill Walks

Treadmills offer convenience and accessibility, especially when weather conditions are unfavorable for outdoor walks.

Treadmills provide control over your workout, allowing you to track speed, incline, and progress over time.

Walking on a treadmill is joint-friendly, thanks to shock absorption technology.

Treadmills allow for multitasking and can be used to combine walking with other activities or tasks.


Disadvantages of Treadmill Walks

Treadmills lack the natural benefits of being outdoors, such as fresh air, sunlight, and Vitamin D synthesis.

Walking on a treadmill can become monotonous and boring over time.

To achieve the same benefits as outdoor walking, you may need to work harder on a treadmill by increasing the incline.

Treadmill workouts require finding ways to stay motivated, such as listening to music or watching shows.