Human Spaceflight News

Astronauts have plenty of gear for exercise on the ISS, including a weightlifting machine and a treadmill.


New and Improved Exercise Bike on ISS

A smaller, lighter, and more powerful exercise bike called Teal CEVIS has been installed on the ISS. It is a 500-watt unit that was installed on October 24, 2023, after a previous installation attempt that month faced some challenges. Teal CEVIS also connects with VIVE Focus 3, a virtual reality headset with special sensors that allow it to function in the absence of gravity.

Teal CEVIS is an upgrade from the first-generation CEVIS, which was installed in 2001 and has been used by 170 astronauts in its first 20 years of service. The new cycle offers improved features and addresses some of the limitations of the previous model.

The collaboration between VIVE Focus, XRHealth, Danish Aerospace Company, and Nord-Space Aps marks the continued integration of virtual reality technology on the ISS. Previous VR headsets have been used for various applications such as robot control, experiments, maintenance tasks, and training.


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Astronauts Celebrate Success of Surgery Robot on ISS

The first surgery robot on the International Space Station (ISS) has been deemed a game-changer by astronauts. The success of the robot marks a significant milestone in the field of space medicine and opens up new possibilities for performing medical procedures in space.

The availability of a surgery robot on the ISS improves the healthcare capabilities for astronauts during their missions. It reduces the need for medical evacuation and allows for more timely and efficient medical interventions.

The development and implementation of the surgery robot on the ISS is a result of collaboration and advancements in robotics and medicine. It demonstrates the ongoing efforts to enhance the well-being and safety of astronauts in space.