'I should have died': How Grayson Murray reclaimed his life to win again

Grayson Murray shares his journey of reclaiming his life and winning the Sony Open in Hawaii after battling addiction and anxiety.


Grayson Murray's Journey to Recovery

Before Grayson Murray's victory at the Sony Open in Hawaii, he opened up about his struggles with alcohol use and anxiety. Murray, who hadn't had a drink since a terrifying incident in 2022, shared his journey to recovery. He recalled the moment when he realized he needed to make a change and quit drinking for good. Murray's path to recovery has been unique but ultimately led him back to winning on the PGA TOUR.

Murray's story is similar to that of Chris Kirk, who was also battling alcohol addiction and found sobriety in 2019. While their stories have similarities, their paths to recovery differ. Murray, once a promising young golfer, had to rediscover himself and confront his past mistakes in order to move forward. He acknowledged the impact his rookie win had on him, leading him to believe he was invincible. It took him years to reach a point where he could put down the drink and become a different man.

Murray's recovery involved seeking help from professionals and implementing techniques from his time at Hazelden Betty Ford. He also addressed his anxiety by working with a fear-management expert. Through these efforts, Murray was able to improve his mental well-being and achieve success on the golf course once again.

Facing the Consequences and Finding Redemption

Murray's journey to recovery wasn't without its challenges. He recalled moments in his life where he faced the consequences of his actions and realized he needed to make a change. From the scooter accident in Bermuda to the anxiety attack in Mexico, Murray had numerous wake-up calls that forced him to confront his addiction head-on.

However, these difficult experiences also led to moments of redemption. Murray acknowledged the support of his parents and closest friends, who never stopped fighting for him even when he had given up on himself. With their help and his newfound sobriety, Murray was able to make a comeback in his golf career. His victory at the Sony Open proved that he was back on top and capable of achieving greatness once again.

Looking Towards the Future

Murray understands that his journey to recovery is ongoing and that he will continue to face challenges in the future. He knows that he will need the support of his family and faith to navigate these difficult times. Murray is determined to show others who may doubt him that he has changed through his actions and growth.

Though he acknowledges that his mistakes may have lingering effects, Murray is focused on living a better life. He no longer defines himself solely by his performance on the golf course, but instead finds joy in the journey and the person he has become. As he moves forward, Murray is hopeful that his story will inspire others who may be facing similar struggles.