If You Only Do 5 Exercises, a Physical Therapist Says These Are the Most Effective for Keeping You Pain-Free

Learn about the top five exercises recommended by a physical therapist to prevent injuries and promote overall health.


The Best Exercises to Prevent Injuries

When it comes to preventing injuries and maintaining overall health, it's not necessary to do hundreds of exercises. According to physical therapist Mallory Behenna, focusing on a few key exercises that target the main muscle groups can be highly effective.

Dr. Behenna has identified five exercises that build strength and balance. These exercises target muscle groups that work together to support the body against gravity. When these muscles are weak, other muscles compensate, leading to biomechanical issues, dysfunction, and potential pain over time.

Benefits of the Recommended Exercises

In addition to building strength and balance, these exercises can also promote joint health and mobility. Movement at the joints helps distribute synovial fluid, which lubricates the joint surfaces and reduces friction, pain, and inflammation.

Dr. Behenna recommends incorporating these exercises into your daily routine by habit stacking them with a meal or another daily activity. If breaking them up throughout the day is more feasible, that's still a beneficial approach.

Top Five Exercises to Try

1. Plank: This exercise works the core stability and endurance, helping with balance, stability, and spine protection. Hold the push-up position for 60 seconds.

2. Step-ups: Strengthen one leg at a time by stepping up onto a staircase or step stool. This exercise improves leg strength and balance. Perform 10-15 reps for three sets on each leg.

3. Side-lying hip abduction: This exercise targets the gluteus medius, improving walking stability and preventing hip and lower back pain. Perform 10-15 reps for three sets on each side.

4. Heel and toe raises: Engage your calves and foot muscles to maintain mobility and stability. Perform 30 reps for two sets, lifting onto your toes and then lifting your toes while keeping your heels down.

5. Hamstring and calf stretches: Stretching these muscles is crucial for preventing tightness and maintaining flexibility. Hold each stretch for 15-30 seconds, repeating three to five times on each leg.