Improving Your Focus: Building Your Attention Muscle

Discover research-backed strategies to improve your focus and be present in every moment.


Tuning into the Present Moment

During the holiday season, it's important to slow down and be present with your loved ones. By offering your mindful attention, you can foster better relationships and make your family and friends feel valued and heard. Being present and attentive is not always easy, but it is possible to strengthen your ability to pay attention.

Dr. Nathan Brown, a clinical psychologist, explains that attention is like a muscle that can be strengthened with practice. In a culture filled with distractions and anxiety, it's common to feel scattered and detached. However, with the right strategies, you can improve your attention and appreciate each moment of the festive season on a deeper level.

Exercises for Building Your Attention Muscle

There are several exercises you can try to strengthen your attention. One technique is mindfulness meditation, which has been shown to improve attention. Even just 10 minutes of focused meditation per day over eight weeks can lead to marked improvement in attention span.

Another method is to tune into your breath. Your breath serves as an anchor to the present moment and can help you restore your connection to the here and now. You can also try focusing your attention on intentional movement and sensations in your body through practices like yoga or tai chi. Progressive muscle relaxation, where you contract and relax different muscle groups, is another accessible technique.

Lastly, practicing presence in everyday moments is crucial. Take the time to observe your surroundings and engage your senses. Whether you're in the shower, doing chores, or stuck in traffic, tuning into what you see, feel, hear, smell, and taste can help you stay present.

Sharing Your Presence over the Holidays

Holiday parties and family gatherings can be challenging when it comes to practicing presence. The unstructured nature of these events can induce anxiety, but there are strategies you can employ. One approach is to ask others questions about themselves, approaching conversations with a curious mindset.

Using a motivational interviewing technique can foster deeper connections. By asking "why" and "how" questions, you can explore the motivations behind someone's actions and interests. Additionally, keeping your phone out of sight when engaging with others shows that you are fully present and attentive.

Remember, practicing presence is not only a gift to those around you, but also a boost for your own mental health. Treat yourself with kindness as you redirect your attention and restore your connection with the present moment. By savoring the experiences of the season and truly being present, you can create a more fulfilling holiday season for yourself and others.