Introducing Our Home Gym Reveal

Welcome to the finished “mini gym”. Otherwise named: “You-Can’t-Pretend-You-Don’t-Have-The-Time/Space-To-Workout-Because-You-Are-Lucky-Enough-To-Have-A-Dedicated-Space-20-Yards-From-Your-Bedroom-So-Get-Your-Ass-Out-There-And-Spin-With-Cody”. It’s a real luxury of extreme convenience and squashes most of my excuses


Welcome to the finished mini gym

Welcome to the finished mini gym. Otherwise named: You-Can't-Pretend-You-Don't-Have-The-Time/Space-To-Workout-Because-You-Are-Lucky-Enough-To-Have-A-Dedicated-Space-20-Yards-From-Your-Bedroom-So-Get-Your-Ass-Out-There-And-Spin-With-Cody. It's a real luxury of extreme convenience and squashes most of my excuses (I'm writing this post in my workout clothes, approaching 2 pm and I still haven't done it, ha). About halfway through the building of this structure (once meant to be a greenhouse) we realized that during the great long dark (November - March in PNW), working out is our #1 anecdote to coping with those winter blues so maybe we should prioritize that over other things (like growing seedlings). So even if this doesn't permanently stay as a gym (it's such a pretty room that it could have a gorgeous tiled floor), for the foreseeable future it is where we go to make an icky day a little better, get some endorphins, adrenaline, dopamine, and move our bodies. Sometimes it's just for 20 minutes, other days for an hour and a half (including a plunge).

Here’s what we have going on

Here's what we have going on: I love to Peloton, practice yoga (mostly at studios), and lift weights or basic strength training. Brian boxes and lifts weights. We both cold plunge and have since 2020 – a full post coming at you soon. We knew that we could get a fancy workout/wall unit for that back wall, but both of us like to keep the workouts fairly low-tech (more on our routine below). So for now we have our machines, a simple bench, free weights/band/ball/bosu, and space enough to roll out a mat or two. (TW: body shaming + talking about intentional weight loss)

But listen, moving your body is crucial to our mental health

But listen, moving your body is crucial to our mental health, it just is. If we take all the other shit about changing your body off the table, what remains is that it simply feels very good to move, get your heart rate up, make your muscles stronger, and flood your body and brain with endorphins. I need these endorphins in order to make good decisions for my business, they help me be in a good enough mood to bring positivity to my team and family. I won’t have a hard a conversation unless I’ve exercised that day and if I’m feeling anxiety it immediately reduces it. It takes a bad day and makes it ok, and it takes a good day and makes it GREAT. At least for me. It’s just not an option to not move my body.


So here is my workout routine

So here is my workout routine (on a good week and without that pretty hair and makeup, LOL). 4-5 x a week. Cardio: I Peloton for cardio because I don’t push myself on my own (I HATE running) – sometimes 20 minutes, but since January I’ve really been pushing myself to do 45 minutes. I love Cody and Sam Yo the best and legit enjoy hanging out with them and screaming Katy Perry.