Iranians Face Large Internet Rate Increases Due To Inflation

Iranian internet companies are petitioning for a 100% increase in broadband and mobile tariffs, which comes at a time when users are experiencing low-quality connections and government censorship.


Internet Companies Petition for Rate Increases

Internet companies in Iran have submitted a petition to the government requesting a 100% increase in broadband and mobile tariffs. This comes as users are facing poor internet connections and are forced to pay for VPNs and anti-filtering software to bypass government censorship.

For years, the Iranian government has blocked numerous websites and social media platforms and has provided slow internet speeds. During protests, the government often cuts off internet service. The request for rate increases aims to address the struggles faced by internet companies in providing higher-quality service.

However, many users suspect that the government's actions and strict control are the main causes of slow internet traffic. Despite the Information and Communications Technology Minister's insistence that rates will only increase if the providers improve quality, reports suggest that behind the scenes, there is a different agenda.

Increasing Limitations on Internet Access

While President Ebrahim Raisi promised free internet for the lowest income groups, internet access limitations and prices have actually increased. The government has intensified censorship, blocking both foreign and domestic websites, including reputable news outlets and social media platforms.

This increase in censorship measures has been particularly evident since the start of the 'Women, Life, Freedom' movement. Iran has been ranked as the Middle East's worst country for internet freedom, with authorities responding harshly and excessively to nationwide protests.

Even after the protests subsided, the government continued to shut down the internet and filter popular messaging apps. Some lawmakers have suggested a connection between those advocating for censorship and those profiting from tools that bypass it, such as VPNs.

Financial Impact and Expensive Service

Lawmakers estimate that the financial turnover of VPN providers in Iran reaches hundreds of millions of dollars annually. The minimum monthly price of a VPN in Iran is approximately $2, meaning citizens have to spend around $480 million each year to access banned services like Instagram and WhatsApp.

Using a VPN also results in increased data usage, with about half of the traffic purchased from providers being consumed by the VPN itself. Considering the additional limitations imposed by the current administration, users are already paying more for both VPN services and internet traffic.

With internet companies now requesting rate increases, consumers in Iran face the prospect of paying even more for what is considered the most expensive yet low-quality internet service.