'It will be breathtaking': Restaurants across WNY prepare for solar eclipse in April

The total solar eclipse is less than two months away, and restaurants around Western New York are preparing for people expected to travel to the region.


Restaurants getting ready for the solar eclipse

The total solar eclipse is coming up in less than two months, and restaurants in Western New York are making preparations to accommodate the influx of visitors expected to travel to the region. The Roycroft Inn in East Aurora, for example, has very limited availability for reservations and rooms on April 8th, indicating that visitors are already on their way.

Dan Garvey, the Inn Manager, believes that this solar event is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He says, "This is truly a once-in-a-lifetime event; this isn't going to happen again to have an eclipse go through Buffalo for 120 years." Garvey adds that this eclipse has been a topic of discussion for many years and will become a significant part of East Aurora's history.

The Glen Park Tavern in Williamsville is also preparing for the eclipse by stocking up on solar glasses, Milky Ways, and coloring pages for families. Owner Ellie Grenauer hopes that the eclipse will be a great opportunity for children to learn about astronomy and our solar system. The restaurant will also offer specialty drinks such as Bloody Hot Moon and Solar Eclipse in a Glass. Grenauer expresses her excitement, stating, "It's an act of God, it will be breathtaking."

Experience the solar eclipse

To learn more about the solar eclipse and find the best places to witness this unique event, visit our website for detailed information. Don't miss out on this extraordinary celestial phenomenon!

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