Jet Li's crash diet left him 'very weak physically' - he even fainted: how restricted eating, exercise left martial arts actor with 'serious health problems'

Jet Li reveals the toll his crash diet took on his body in his new autobiography.


Jet Li's Crash Diet and Health Problems

In his memoirs, Beyond Life and Death: Jet Li Looking for Jet Li, the actor reveals what he had to eat and do to look good for films Dragon Fight and The Master. Despite looking physically strong on screen, Li was actually suffering from serious health problems due to his intense diet and exercise regime.

Li shares that during the filming of Dragon Fight and The Master, he followed a strict diet that consisted mainly of unseasoned cereal, boiled chicken breast, and steamed fish with green onions. In addition to his restricted eating, he ran five kilometers every day, engaged in four hours of weight training, and practiced breathing techniques.

The intense regime resulted in rapid weight loss and a muscular appearance, but it also left Li physically weak. In fact, he fainted on set during filming, prompting him to seek advice from a traditional Chinese medicine doctor.

The Impact of Rapid Dieting

According to Li's book, he learned from the Chinese medicine doctor that the way dieting is done in the East and the West differs significantly. The rapid dieting regimen that Li had followed had disrupted his body's inner balance, leading to serious health problems.

Despite his muscular appearance, Li admits that he was suffering and warns against the dangers of rapid dieting. He believes that his experience was a failed fitness experiment as it compromised his physical and mental health.

Now at 60 years old, Li embraces a different perspective on his body. He no longer prioritizes having six-pack muscles and instead accepts his natural physique, including his belly.

Lessons Learned

Jet Li's revelation sheds light on the pressures faced by actors in the pursuit of physical appearance for their roles. It serves as a reminder of the importance of prioritizing overall health and well-being over achieving a certain aesthetic.

Li's story also highlights the significance of understanding cultural differences in dieting practices and the potential risks associated with rapid weight loss. It is crucial to approach weight loss and fitness goals in a sustainable and balanced manner.

Ultimately, Li's journey reminds us that fame and celebrity often come at a cost, and the pursuit of physical perfection can have serious consequences for one's health.