Joel Osteen's Megachurch Holds Healing Service After Shooting

Joel Osteen's Houston megachurch held a special service dedicated to healing and thanksgiving after a shooting incident.


Moving Forward with Faith

Joel Osteen and members of Lakewood Church addressed the congregation, acknowledging the impact of the shooting and expressing gratitude for the community's support.

Osteen assured the parishioners that Lakewood Church remains strong and encouraged them to move forward with faith.

Church leaders also took the opportunity to thank the security staff and other responders for their bravery and quick action during the incident.

Reclaiming Space and Unity

Victoria Osteen emphasized the importance of reclaiming the space that God has provided for the congregation.

Houston Mayor John Whitmire and Police Chief Troy Finner joined the stage and praised the unity and resilience of the city.

Attendees showed their appreciation for the officers and security staff with a standing ovation.

Prayers for Healing

Joel Osteen expressed his prayers for the young boy who was injured in the shooting and acknowledged the troubled state of mind of the shooter.

Congregants shared their determination to move forward and not let fear have power over them.

Visitors from Chicago also attended the service, seeing the shooting as a sign to visit the church and stand in solidarity.