John Oliver Reacts to AI Images of Him and Taylor Swift

John Oliver was surprised to see AI-generated images of him and Taylor Swift together during an interview on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. Despite finding it a bit upsetting, Oliver jokingly mentioned that the images could be useful for Taylor in the future.


AI-Generated Images of John Oliver and Taylor Swift

During an interview with Stephen Colbert on The Late Show, John Oliver was shown AI-generated images of him and Taylor Swift together. Colbert presented images of the two sitting at a bar and another where Taylor was wearing a tiara and holding a drink.

Oliver expressed his surprise at not being aware of this trend and mentioned that the images were getting better. He humorously suggested that it might be useful for Taylor to look at these images when she's not happy with something in her life, as a reminder that things could be worse.

Colbert playfully asked Oliver if he could take Travis Kelce, Swift's boyfriend, in a fight. Oliver responded with a witty remark, stating that he prefers using words as his weapon of choice.

AI Tech and Its Strangeness

Recent weeks have seen the use of AI-generated images of Taylor Swift in nefarious ways, such as deepfake pornography. However, the images shown to John Oliver were just plain weird, highlighting that not all AI tech is evil.

It's important to note that Swift is reportedly considering taking legal action against deepfake pornography that circulated last month.