Judge Rules Elon Musk Not Entitled to $55 Billion Compensation Package

A Delaware judge ruled Tuesday that Tesla CEO Elon Musk is not entitled to a landmark compensation package potentially worth over $55 billion. The ruling came after a shareholder lawsuit accused Musk and directors of breaching their duties and resulted in a waste of corporate assets and unjust enrichment for Musk.


Background of the Lawsuit

The lawsuit against Elon Musk and directors of Tesla was filed over five years ago by shareholders. They alleged that the compensation package awarded to Musk should be voided as it was the product of sham negotiations and misleading disclosures to shareholders.

Shareholder lawyers argued that the package was dictated by Musk and lacked independence from the directors. They also claimed that shareholders were given incomplete and misleading information in a proxy statement.

Defense attorneys countered that the compensation plan was fairly negotiated by an independent compensation committee and approved by shareholders. They argued that Musk was not a controlling shareholder of the company.

Judge's Ruling and Flawed Process

Chancellor Kathaleen St. Jude McCormick ruled that Elon Musk's compensation plan was deeply flawed due to potential conflicts of interest. She highlighted Musk's extensive ties with members of the compensation committee and the working group involved in developing the plan.

McCormick specifically mentioned Musk's relationships with compensation committee chairman Ira Ehrenpreis and committee member Antonio Gracias. She also noted that the working group included Todd Maron, Musk's former divorce attorney.

The judge concluded that the only suitable remedy was to rescind Musk's compensation package, stating that the process leading to its approval was unfair and lacked independence.

Significance of the Ruling

The decision to reverse Elon Musk's multi-billion-dollar compensation package is seen as unprecedented and significant. It was considered a major legal victory for the shareholder plaintiff and a blow to Tesla and Musk.

The compensation plan would have allowed Musk to earn billions based on specific market capitalization and operational milestones. Tesla has already achieved multiple milestones, resulting in significant stock option gains for Musk.

Defense attorneys argued that the compensation package was beneficial for both Musk and Tesla shareholders, as the company's value skyrocketed after its implementation. However, the judge deemed the process flawed and ordered the package to be rescinded.