Largest known deep-sea coral reef mapped off US Atlantic coast

Scientists have recently mapped the largest known deep-sea coral reef off the US Atlantic coast, revealing its breathtaking scale.


Reef Size Revealed by New Technology

For decades, researchers have been aware of the presence of coral off the Atlantic coast of the US. However, the size of the reef remained a mystery until now. Thanks to advancements in underwater mapping technology, scientists were able to construct 3D images of the ocean floor, revealing the largest yet known deep-sea coral reef.

Derek Sowers, an oceanographer at the non-profit Ocean Exploration Trust, described the discovery as the reef being 'right under our noses, waiting to be discovered.' This breakthrough offers a glimpse into the hidden wonders of the ocean depths.

The Immense Scale of the Reef

The recently mapped deep-sea coral reef stretches for approximately 310 miles (500km) from Florida to South Carolina. At some points, it reaches a width of 68 miles (110km). The total area covered by the reef is nearly three times the size of Yellowstone national park.

Stuart Sandin, a marine biologist at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, expressed his awe at the scale of the reef, stating it to be 'eye-opening' and 'breathtaking.' This discovery emphasizes the vastness and richness of marine ecosystems.

Unique Characteristics of Deep-Sea Coral Reefs

Unlike tropical coral reefs, which depend on photosynthesis for growth, deep-sea coral reefs survive in environments where sunlight cannot penetrate. These reefs filter food particles from the water for energy.

The recently mapped deep-sea coral reef serves as a habitat for various marine species, including sharks, swordfish, sea stars, octopuses, and shrimp. These ecosystems are less explored compared to tropical reefs, such as the Great Barrier Reef, and offer valuable insights into the resilience and vulnerability of deep-sea ecosystems.