Lawmakers Demand Elon Musk Provide SpaceX Internet to US Military in Taiwan

A group of US lawmakers is calling on Elon Musk to make SpaceX's Starshield military-specific satellite communications network available to American defense forces in Taiwan.


US Lawmakers Urge Elon Musk to Provide SpaceX Internet to US Military in Taiwan

US lawmakers are pressuring Elon Musk to allow SpaceX's Starshield military-specific satellite communications network to be accessible to American defense forces in Taiwan. Rep. Mike Gallagher sent a letter to Musk, pointing out SpaceX's obligation to provide the US Department of Defense with global access to its satellite internet services. Gallagher stressed the significance of a robust communication network for US military personnel in Taiwan, particularly in light of potential Chinese aggression.

The letter requested Musk to provide a briefing about Starshield's availability in Taiwan to the Select Committee by March 8. However, the request might be problematic for Musk, given his close ties with China and his public comments on the Taiwan-China relationship.

SpaceX has become a crucial provider of satellite communications, with its extensive satellite network. However, it has faced controversies, including accusations of providing Starlink service to Russia. The reliance on SpaceX's satellites has become a concern, especially considering the potential risk to American service members in the Western Pacific region.

Taiwan's Need for Satellite Capability

Lawmakers and officials in Taiwan are advocating for satellite capability to address the country's communication vulnerabilities. Taiwan has become increasingly concerned about the growing threat of Chinese invasion and the potential for undersea internet cable disruptions. Talks between Taiwan and SpaceX regarding StarLink in 2019 fell apart due to disagreements over ownership requirements. While Starlink could provide a solution, former Congress member Will Hurd emphasized the need for multiple options to avoid a single point of failure in satellite communications.

Taiwan remains cautious of Musk's business ties with China and has expressed discontent with his pro-Beijing remarks. The ongoing tensions between the two countries complicate the issue of SpaceX's involvement in Taiwan.

Musk's Dilemma

Elon Musk faces a dilemma as US lawmakers pressure him to activate StarShield in Taiwan. His ties to China, where Tesla has a major manufacturing plant, and his previous comments on Taiwan's relationship with China make it difficult for him to comply with the demands. Musk, who has expressed concerns about getting involved in conflicts, may have to make a choice given the significance of SpaceX's military contracts with the US government.

The issue of SpaceX's involvement in Taiwan arises as the Pentagon focuses on the country's future and the potential threat of a Chinese invasion. The importance of a reliable communication network becomes critical in safeguarding US interests in the region.