Let's Rescue Book Lovers From This Online Hellscape

An examination of the issues with Goodreads and the need for improvement.


The Goodreads Scandal

A recent scandal involving a debut author on Goodreads has brought to light the platform's problems. The author created fake accounts to review-bomb other books, resulting in negative one-star reviews. When caught, she confessed to the deception and faced severe consequences. This scandal highlights the role Goodreads plays in enabling such behavior.

Goodreads, which bills itself as the largest site for readers and book recommendations, has become a breeding ground for unreliable data and a culture of ill will. The incident involving the author is just one example of the platform's broken state.

The abuse and misuse of Goodreads has left many people hurt and has had a devastating impact on at least one person's career. The need to address these issues and salvage the platform is crucial.

From Promising Tool to Broken Platform

Goodreads was initially created in 2007 as a gathering space for readers, authors, booksellers, and publishers. It aimed to connect like-minded individuals, encourage discussions, and facilitate book recommendations. However, over time, it has devolved into an unreliable and unmanageable mess.

While the internet is no stranger to bad data and ill will, Goodreads promised something different. It offered a space for readers to engage with one another and with authors, promoting the joy of discussing books. Despite its current state, the core idea behind Goodreads is still essential and worth fighting for.

Since Amazon's acquisition of Goodreads in 2013, the platform has struggled to find its place. It is neither a retailer nor an inviting online salon. Nonetheless, it remains the most popular book-discussion site, with millions of members. However, it has become a breeding ground for toxic behavior and combative interactions.

The Urgent Need for Improvement

Goodreads requires significant improvements to regain its purpose and usefulness. One crucial step is the addition of more human moderation to monitor user activity. While healthy discussions should be encouraged, Goodreads has allowed for the weaponization of displeasure and personal attacks.

By adding human moderators who can communicate with publishers, Goodreads can ensure that books are only posted when they are ready for publication. This change would prevent authors from facing unwarranted criticism and protect the integrity of the platform.

While alternative platforms like The Storygraph and Italic Type have emerged, they have not yet reached a critical mass of users. Goodreads still remains the go-to platform for readers and authors. As the usefulness of other social platforms declines, it is vital to salvage and improve Goodreads to provide readers and authors with a better experience.