Lizards, Monkeys and Bears, Oh My! Try the Animal Movement Workout.

Crawling around like a crab or gorilla has become a popular exercise trend that offers both fun and fitness benefits.


Why Animal Movement Workouts?

Animal movement workouts have gained traction in the fitness community due to their ability to engage multiple muscle groups while providing a unique and challenging workout experience.

By mimicking the movements of various animals like lizards, monkeys, and bears, participants in these workouts can improve their strength, flexibility, and coordination. These exercises often target muscles that are not typically activated in traditional workouts, making it a great addition to any fitness routine.

Additionally, animal movement workouts offer a fun and playful element that sets them apart from more conventional exercises. Crawling around like different animals adds an element of creativity and novelty to the workout, making it enjoyable for participants of all ages.

Types of Animal Movements

Animal movement workouts encompass a wide range of exercises that simulate the movements of various creatures. Some popular animal movements include:

1. Bear Crawl: Mimicking the crawling movement of a bear, this exercise primarily targets the core, shoulders, and hips. It helps improve stability, coordination, and overall strength.

2. Monkey Walk: Inspired by the playful movement of monkeys, this exercise focuses on lower body strength and mobility. It engages the legs, glutes, and core, enhancing flexibility and balance.

3. Lizard Crawl: Similar to a traditional lizard's movement, this exercise is a fantastic full-body workout that targets the upper body, core, and lower body muscles. It enhances strength, endurance, and mobility.

Benefits and Considerations

Engaging in animal movement workouts offers numerous benefits for individuals of all fitness levels. Some key advantages include:

1. Full-body Engagement: Animal movement workouts involve the simultaneous activation of multiple muscle groups, leading to a comprehensive full-body workout.

2. Improved Functional Fitness: These workouts focus on enhancing strength, flexibility, and coordination, which translates to better performance and reduced risk of injury in daily activities.

3. Enhanced Mind-Body Connection: The deliberate and mindful movements required during animal movement exercises help develop a stronger mind-body connection.

While animal movement workouts can be a fun and effective addition to a fitness routine, it is important to consider individual limitations and fitness goals. Beginners should start with simpler movements and gradually progress to more advanced exercises. It is also advisable to seek guidance from a qualified fitness professional to ensure proper form and technique.