Meghan McCain Criticizes Jon Stewart's Return to 'The Daily Show'

Meghan McCain expresses her disapproval of Jon Stewart's return to 'The Daily Show' in a podcast episode.


Meghan McCain's Disapproval of Jon Stewart's Return

Meghan McCain, a right-wing political commentator, has criticized Jon Stewart's return to 'The Daily Show' after a nine-year hiatus. McCain expressed her thoughts on her podcast, Meghan McCain Has Entered the Chat. She stated that she was 'horrified' at the 'creature' Stewart has become, referring to his woke persona. McCain used to be a fan of the show when Stewart first hosted it in 1999, but stopped watching when it became more condemning of conservative politics.

McCain also questioned the show's decision to keep changing hosts, wondering why they can't pick a permanent one. She expressed uncertainty about which version of Jon Stewart she will see on the show now that he has returned.

McCain concluded her critique by questioning the purpose of the show if it's just going to be like MSNBC, but hosted by a comedian. She wondered if the show will continue 'like zombies into the darkness.'

Stewart's Return and His Impact on the Country

Jon Stewart, known as the voice of a generation, will be hosting 'The Daily Show' through the presidential election season and into 2025. Chris McCarthy, chief executive of Showtime and MTV Entertainment Studios, stated that Stewart will help make sense of the insanity and division in the country during this time. McCarthy called Stewart the perfect person to puncture empty rhetoric and provide clarity with his wit.

There were rumors last summer that Hasan Minhaj was being considered as a permanent host, but he was not chosen. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Minhaj was initially selected but was later dropped when a 2023 article alleged that he lied about several autobiographical anecdotes in his stand-up routines.