Michelle Duggar Makes Rare Appearance in Daughter Jessa's Birth Video

The rarely-seen matriarch Michelle Duggar appeared in daughter Jessa Duggar's new video documenting the birth of her fifth child.


Michelle Duggar Supports Jessa During Childbirth

In a YouTube video shared by Jessa Duggar, her mother Michelle Duggar made a rare appearance, staying by her daughter's side during the birth of her fifth child. The nearly 11-minute video shows Michelle caring for Jessa as she lay on the hospital bed, screaming and crying. Michelle tightly held onto Jessa's hand and provided support as the newborn baby arrived. Michelle was seen wearing glasses and a black puffy jacket.

As Jessa's husband Ben Seewald leaned in to kiss her forehead, Jessa weakly asked about the baby's gender. Michelle proudly responded, 'A boy!'

Jessa Reveals the Baby's Name

Just days after giving birth, Jessa took to Instagram to reveal the name of her newborn. In the post, she shared that the baby boy is named George Augustine.

In a YouTube video titled 'Birth Story: Part 2,' Jessa introduces her new baby to her other children, Spurgeon, Henry, Ivy, and Fern. The video captures heartwarming moments of the family bonding with the newborn. Throughout the video, Jessa and Ben have conversations about the baby's name, ultimately deciding on George Augustine. Jessa shared that they felt the name suited him well. Ben mentioned that they had considered the name George, which was approved by his mother, Guinn Seewald.

A Rainbow Baby After the Miscarriage

The arrival of Jessa's fifth child, George, came after a bittersweet moment for the couple. They had experienced a miscarriage the previous year, just days before Christmas 2022. Jessa and Ben shared their journey of loss and hope in a YouTube video, announcing their pregnancy as a 'rainbow baby' - a term used to describe a baby born after a miscarriage.

In the video, Jessa expressed her excitement about the upcoming addition to their family. She and Ben took a romantic getaway to celebrate the news and showcased their positive pregnancy test. The arrival of baby George is a joyous moment for the couple, marking a new chapter after their heartbreaking loss.