MicroStrategy's Bitcoin Bet Drives 300% Gain for Investors in 2023

MicroStrategy's stock has surged 337% this year, fueled by the company's bitcoin holdings. Over 90% of the company's value is now tied directly to bitcoin.


MicroStrategy's Bitcoin Bet Pays Off

MicroStrategy, a software company focused on business intelligence, has seen its stock price soar by 337% in 2023, outpacing most other U.S. companies valued at $5 billion or more. The impressive growth can be attributed to the company's investments in bitcoin, which it began accumulating in 2020. Currently, the majority of MicroStrategy's value is derived from its bitcoin holdings, although it continues to operate its software business alongside its crypto investments.

Unlike other technology companies that rely on revenue growth and market share gains to drive their stock prices, MicroStrategy's appeal to investors is closely tied to bitcoin. The company's market cap is $8.5 billion, with 90% of its value directly linked to its bitcoin holdings. This means that when the price of bitcoin fluctuates, it directly impacts MicroStrategy's stock price. Despite the significant gains in 2023, the company's stock is still below its peak trading price from 2021.

The Decision to Invest in Bitcoin

MicroStrategy's decision to invest in bitcoin dates back to July 2020 when the company announced that it would allocate some of its cash reserves to alternative assets, including digital currencies. At the time, the company had a market cap of approximately $1.1 billion and was facing a declining software business. Co-founder Michael Saylor, who was CEO at the time, believed that investing in bitcoin was a strategic move due to its status as a digital form of gold.

By choosing to invest in bitcoin, MicroStrategy provided a way for investors to gain exposure to the cryptocurrency through the stock market. This decision has proven to be successful, with the company's stock price outperforming bitcoin this year. Saylor expects the bull market in bitcoin to continue in the coming year, and he believes that more investors will allocate a larger portion of their capital to digital assets like bitcoin.

MicroStrategy's Unique Position

MicroStrategy's stock performance in 2023 can be attributed to its unique position as a bitcoin holding company. The scarcity of investment opportunities for equity investors in the bitcoin market has contributed to the outperformance of MicroStrategy's stock compared to the cryptocurrency itself. The company's stock has become a proxy for investing in bitcoin for those who prefer to gain exposure to the digital asset indirectly.

While the prospect of competition from bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) looms in the new year, experts believe that this poses little threat to MicroStrategy. The company's ability to put its bitcoin holdings to work and leverage them for various business opportunities sets it apart from ETFs, which are passively managed. MicroStrategy also benefits from its successful software business, which generates cash flow that can be used to buy more bitcoin.