Millennials' Relationship with the Internet Has Changed

Millennials are feeling out of touch with the evolving internet culture.


The Evolution of Internet Culture

Millennial culture, once popular and relatable, is now considered cringe-worthy. Old trends like mustache finger tattoos and direct-to-consumer brands have been replaced by newer, more youth-focused trends. However, this changing culture has left millennials feeling confused and out of touch.

Max Read argues in the New York Times that the internet now belongs to Gen Z. Zoomer internet is vastly different from what millennials are accustomed to. The celebrities, slang, and formats have all changed, leaving millennials feeling alienated. The language and terrain of the internet are now foreign to them.

While this new culture may seem unfamiliar and unsettling, Read points out that the framework of the internet remains largely unchanged. Platforms like TikTok, for example, are simply social networks that sell ads. People still engage in debates, create memes, and consume news. The only difference is the emergence of new slang and fashion trends.

Adapting to the Changing Landscape

Despite feeling out of touch, millennials can take comfort in the fact that the core functions of the internet have not changed. The internet is still a place for social interaction and business operations, albeit with new trends and platforms.

While millennials may struggle to understand the new slang and unfamiliar fashion choices, they can still participate in internet culture and find their place. The internet continues to evolve, and it's important to embrace the changes and adapt to the new landscape.

Instead of feeling alienated by the evolving internet culture, millennials can view it as an opportunity to learn and grow. By staying curious and open-minded, they can navigate the changing terrain and stay connected with the online community.

Embracing the Differences

Rather than lamenting their age and distance from the younger generation's internet culture, millennials should find acceptance and embrace the differences. The internet has always been a place of constant change, and it's natural for trends and language to evolve.

By embracing the differences, millennials can bridge the generation gap and foster connections with younger internet users. This can lead to a more inclusive and diverse online community where all generations can participate and contribute.

While some aspects may be embarrassing or confusing, it's important to remember that change is inevitable. It's the willingness to adapt and embrace these changes that will help millennials stay engaged and relevant in the evolving internet culture.