Minnesota breaks century-old Christmas temperature record

Several areas of Minnesota broke centuries-old temperature records for Christmas Day on Monday.


Record-breaking temperatures in Minnesota

On Christmas Day, Minnesota experienced unusually warm temperatures, with several areas in the state breaking century-old records. According to the National Weather Service's Twin Cities Forecast Office, St. Cloud, Minnesota had a record-high temperature of 48 degrees, surpassing the previous record of 47 degrees set in 1922. Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport and Eau Claire, Wisconsin also recorded record-high temperatures, breaking records set in 1922 and 1940 respectively.

In addition to record-high temperatures, all three locations also experienced record-high minimum temperatures. St. Cloud, Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, and Eau Claire had minimum temperatures of 36, 32, and 50 degrees respectively, breaking records set in 1936. These unseasonably warm temperatures were attributed to the influence of the El Niño weather pattern.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) had previously warned of the effects of El Niño, including warmer temperatures and increased precipitation. This weather pattern, which occurs every two to three years, brings warmer sea temperatures near the equator. NOAA predicts above-average temperatures in regions such as the Pacific Northwest, New England, and the Midwest for the next few months. According to the National Weather Service, 68 percent of the country is expected to have above-average temperatures this week.

Implications for climate change

The record-breaking temperatures on Christmas Day in Minnesota highlight the impact of climate change. Warmer temperatures, such as those attributed to the El Niño weather pattern, can have significant consequences for the environment and ecosystems. Climate Prediction Center forecasters have stated that there is a 54% chance of a 'historically strong' El Niño during the November-January season.

As global temperatures continue to rise, extreme weather events become more frequent and severe. Heatwaves, droughts, and heavy rainfall are all examples of extreme weather phenomena that can be linked to climate change. Understanding and addressing the factors contributing to climate change, such as greenhouse gas emissions, is crucial to mitigating its effects.

Efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition to renewable energy sources are essential in combating climate change and ensuring a sustainable future. Policymakers, businesses, and individuals all play a role in implementing sustainable practices and reducing our carbon footprint.


The record-breaking temperatures in Minnesota on Christmas Day serve as a reminder of the changing climate and the need for action. This unusual warmth can be attributed to the El Niño weather pattern, which brings warmer sea temperatures near the equator. As global temperatures continue to rise, it is critical that we take steps to mitigate climate change and its effects.

Transitioning to renewable energy sources, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and implementing sustainable practices are all important steps in combating climate change. By working together, we can create a more sustainable future for generations to come.