More energy and defined abs — here's how one man finally got the body he wanted by doing less in the gym

Bobby Liu burned fat and built muscle by simplifying his diet and exercise routine. Find out how he achieved his fitness goals with these key changes.


Bobby Liu's Journey to Fitness

Bobby Liu had been working out for years without seeing the results he desired, until he decided to simplify his diet and exercise routine.

After teaming up with personal trainer and dietitian Adam Enaz, Liu saw significant changes in his body composition. He shed body fat, gained muscle, and even increased his strength.

Contrary to popular belief, Liu's transformation did not involve extreme dieting or excessive cardio. Instead, he focused on weightlifting and ensuring he consumed enough protein.

Achieving Results by Doing Less

Liu's success story defies the notion that more is always better. By simplifying his routine to focus on eating enough protein and full-body strength training, he found that his fitness progress actually improved.

His workouts now consist of four sessions per week, primarily consisting of compound movements like deadlifts and bench presses. He performs three sets of each exercise, gradually increasing the weight as he gets stronger.

Liu has discovered that this method allows him to push himself without feeling overwhelmed or fatigued.

Flexible Dieting for Sustainable Results

In addition to his exercise routine, Liu made changes to his diet that were easy to maintain. He counts macros and aims for approximately 35% of his calories from protein, 40% from carbohydrates, and 25% from fats.

One of the biggest changes Liu made was incorporating more protein into his meals, including a protein shake and protein powder with his morning oatmeal. However, he did not restrict himself from enjoying other foods he likes.

By following this flexible approach to dieting, Liu was able to achieve his fitness goals without feeling deprived or restricted.