My Struggle to Get My Dad to Care About His Health

A daughter shares her frustration and concerns as she tries to convince her aging father to take better care of his health.


My Dad's Health Journey

Over the past six years, my dad's health has been on a steady decline. I have been there for him through multiple health issues, including a broken hip, a burst colon, a heart attack, and throat cancer. I have taken care of him and tried to convince him to prioritize his health, but my efforts seem to be in vain.

Recently, during a car ride, I attempted to broach the topic once again. I played an audiobook by a longevity medicine expert, highlighting the benefits of exercise in prolonging life. Despite his initial agreement, my dad fell asleep during the ride. It was clear that he was not as invested in his health as I was.

The Burden of Being a Caregiver

As my dad's health deteriorated, I took on the role of his caregiver. I ensured he had everything he needed during hospital stays and recovery periods. I cooked for him, attended his follow-up appointments, and provided emotional support. My dedication to his well-being has been unwavering, but it has also taken a toll on our relationship.

Being his primary caregiver, I have witnessed firsthand his poor choices in regards to his health. It is disheartening to see him prioritize unhealthy foods over nourishing options. As his health declines, my resentment grows, and it becomes a challenge to remain supportive while dealing with my own frustrations.

Reevaluating My Approach

Reflecting on our relationship and the strained dynamics caused by my constant push for him to adopt healthier habits, I have come to a realization. Perhaps my approach has been counterproductive. Instead of being a source of support, I may have unintentionally caused a rift between us.

Moving forward, I must make a choice. I can continue pressuring him to change and risk damaging our relationship further, or I can accept him as he is and focus on making the most of the time we have left. While it is difficult to watch him make unhealthy choices, I believe that fostering positive memories is more important than attempting to control his lifestyle. However, that doesn't mean I won't find subtle ways to introduce healthier options to him.