Nasa Captures Images of Powerful Solar Flare

Nasa has released images of the most powerful solar flare in six years, which caused radio interference on Earth.


Solar Flare Knocks Out Radio Communication

Nasa has captured images of the most powerful solar flare in six years, causing radio interference on Earth. The flare, known as a coronal mass ejection, was observed by Nasa's solar dynamics observatory.

The flare was an X-class flare, the highest intensity classification. It had the potential to affect radio communications, electric power grids, navigation signals, and pose risks to spacecraft and astronauts.

The burst of energy caused approximately two hours of radio interference in some parts of the US and other areas. The National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration's space weather prediction center called it an "amazing event."

Strongest Solar Flare in Current Cycle

Thursday's flare was the strongest solar flare recorded since September 2017. It was classified as an X8 event, with most X-class flares ranging from one to nine in intensity.

The European Space Agency noted that the most powerful solar flare ever recorded was an X28 event in November 2003.

Implications and Analysis

The solar flare had the potential to affect various systems on Earth, including radio communications, power grids, and navigation signals. Further analysis is underway to determine the full extent of the flare's impact.

Nasa continuously monitors the sun's activity through its solar dynamics observatory. These images provide valuable insights into the behavior of solar flares and their potential effects on Earth.