NASA Loses Contact with Mars Helicopter Ingenuity

NASA's Ingenuity Mars helicopter has lost contact during its 72nd flight on the Red Planet.


Ingenuity's Final Flight

NASA's Ingenuity Mars helicopter, weighing 4 pounds (1.8 kilograms), lost contact with its handlers on Thursday (Jan. 18). This happened towards the end of its 72nd flight on the Red Planet.

According to NASA officials, the data sent by Ingenuity during the flight showed that it successfully reached its assigned maximum altitude of 40 feet (12 meters). This update was provided on Friday (Jan. 19).

Ingenuity's Role in Mars Exploration

Ingenuity is not only a technology demonstrator, but it also serves as a scout for NASA's car-sized rover, Perseverance. After successfully completing its initial five-flight campaign in the spring of 2021, Ingenuity was granted an extended mission.

Perseverance is currently searching for evidence of past life and collecting samples for future return to Earth. The little helicopter provides valuable information and reconnaissance for the rover.

Uncertainty and Future Possibilities

It is currently uncertain whether Ingenuity's contact will be regained. The team will need to keep trying to establish communication with the pioneering helicopter, which is the first vehicle to explore the skies of a world beyond Earth.

The loss of contact is a setback, but the Ingenuity Mars helicopter has already achieved significant milestones and has proven its capabilities. The future of Mars exploration will undoubtedly be influenced by this technological achievement.