Netflix Snubs Apple Vision Pro, Opting Out of iPad App

Netflix co-CEO explains why the company is not supporting Apple Vision Pro at launch and opting out its iPad app from the headset.


Netflix's Decision to Snub Apple Vision Pro

Netflix has confirmed that it will not be making an Apple Vision Pro app, and its iPad app will also not be available on the headset. Instead, Netflix recommends Vision Pro owners access it via the web browser. This decision puts Netflix in the minority, as other major video streaming platforms like Disney+, Max, Amazon Prime Video, Discovery+, Paramount+, and Peacock will have apps available for Vision Pro at launch.

In an interview with Stratechery, Netflix co-CEO Greg Peters shed light on the reasoning behind this decision. He explained that while Netflix strives for ubiquity across devices, they carefully evaluate the effort and benefit of integrating with each device. Peters stated that Netflix is always in discussions with Apple, but currently, the device's subscale nature makes it irrelevant to most of their members.

Potential Reasons for Opting Out of iPad App

While Peters' explanation clarifies Netflix's decision not to make a visionOS app, it does not address why the company is specifically opting out of making its iPad app available on Vision Pro. Some tech industry analysts speculate that this could be due to an unwillingness to support Apple after years of debate on the iOS and iPadOS platform fees, which require a 30% cut of subscriptions for the first year and 15% thereafter. Spotify, which is also not supporting Vision Pro, has been engaged in the same dispute.

However, the true reason behind Netflix's decision remains unconfirmed, leaving room for further speculation.

Media Watching Experience on Apple Vision Pro

Apple has heavily promoted watching traditional media on the Vision Pro, offering the choice to watch content in the user's real room, a fully virtual environment, or a blend of both. Apple also boasts access to over 150 3D movies at launch in addition to a wide range of 2D streaming content.

Despite these features, early impressions suggest that some Vision Pro users may struggle to keep the headset on for extended periods due to its perceived heaviness, even with the default strap.