New Documentary Reveals Wendy Williams' Health Struggles

A new documentary titled "Where is Wendy Williams?" sheds light on Wendy Williams' recent health struggles, including her diagnosis of aphasia and frontotemporal dementia. The documentary, viewed by CNN, portrays Williams' memory loss, mood swings, and alcohol abuse. It also highlights the efforts of her family to support and help her. Williams is currently receiving cognitive care in an inpatient treatment facility and is seeking help for alcohol addiction. Her family hopes that the documentary will bring awareness to guardianship and conservatorship issues and provide insight into the challenges faced by individuals with similar health conditions.


Difficulties After the Cancellation of the 'Wendy Williams Show'

When Wendy Williams' talk show was canceled in 2022, her niece, Alex Finnie, was the one to break the news to her. Initially, Williams didn't seem to understand or believe that her show had been canceled, and it took some convincing for her to comprehend the reality of the situation. In retrospect, Finnie believes that Williams' response was an early indication of the health issues she faced later.

A care team for Williams recently revealed that she was diagnosed with aphasia and frontotemporal dementia in 2023. These conditions can impact personality and communication. Before her diagnosis, Williams had faced other health struggles that caused her to miss show tapings. Now, a new documentary called "Where is Wendy Williams?" provides a candid and honest look at her life in recent years, showing her memory loss, mood swings, and alcohol abuse.

Williams' Current State and Treatment

Williams' niece, Alex Finnie, mentioned that she is currently in regular communication with her aunt. However, due to her court-ordered guardianship, the family doesn't know the location or other details of the facility where Williams is being treated. The documentary's executive producer and a spokesperson for Lifetime confirmed that Williams is in an inpatient treatment facility for cognitive care and is also seeking help for alcohol addiction.

Finnie reassured that Williams sounds great during their conversations and that she hopes Williams can come out of her current situation healthy and potentially return to work. Williams' family and care team are focused on her well-being and are providing the necessary support.

The Revealing Documentary and Family Concerns

The documentary, "Where is Wendy Williams?", which airs on February 24 and 25, evolved into a raw depiction of Williams' health struggles and whether she was receiving adequate care. The producers ensured that Williams and her manager, who are also executive producers on the project, were involved in the creative process and approved of the content captured.

As the filming progressed, concerns about Williams' health grew. The producers urged her management team to seek new medical care for her. However, the producers have not been in direct contact with Williams for more than six months, and it remains unclear if Williams has seen the documentary before its release.

Williams' family members have expressed concerns about her guardianship, feeling blocked out of the situation. They believe that more transparency is needed in cases of guardianship and conservatorship. They hope that the documentary will shed light on the subject and create awareness about the challenges faced by individuals like Williams.