New Dolphin Super Power Discovered

Researchers discover that dolphins have a new super power that allows them to sense weak electric fields and navigate using the earth's magnetic field.


Dolphins' Impressive Abilities

Dolphins are already known for their extraordinary sonar ability called echolocation, which allows them to distinguish between objects of different densities underwater.

They also have unique features such as eyes that can see in two directions, skin that secretes an antibacterial gel, and the ability to turn off half their brains to rest.

Additionally, dolphins have super immune systems that protect them from antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Now, a new study reveals another impressive skill: the ability to sense weak electric fields.

Discovering the Super Sense

Researchers at the University of Rostock in Germany investigated the small pits left behind on dolphin snouts after they shed their baby whiskers.

They noticed that these pits resembled the structures that allow sharks to detect electrical fields and decided to investigate further.

Two dolphins at the Nuremberg Zoo were trained to swim away when they sensed an electrical current just above their snouts placed on a submerged metal bar.

They demonstrated a high level of sensitivity to weak electrical signals, down to measurements as low as 2.4 microvolts/cm.

Implications and Future Research

The researchers suggest that this new ability, known as electroreception, may help dolphins find hidden fish in sediment just before capturing them.

They believe that dolphins can navigate using the earth's magnetic field and that fluctuations in this field may explain occasional beach strandings.

Further studies are needed to fully understand the extent of dolphins' super power and how it contributes to their overall survival and behavior.