Ozzy Osbourne's Uncertain Future: Will He Perform Live Again?

Ozzy Osbourne opens up about his medical issues and the possibility of never returning to the stage in a candid interview with Rolling Stone UK


Ozzy Osbourne's Medical Struggles

Ozzy Osbourne, the legendary singer, reveals in a recent interview with Rolling Stone UK that he may never perform live again due to the numerous medical issues he has faced over the years. This includes his most recent spinal surgery, which also uncovered a tumor. Osbourne describes how the surgery went wrong, leaving him crippled and in rough shape.

He explains, 'The second surgery went drastically wrong and virtually left me crippled. I thought I'd be up and running after the second and third, but with the last one they put a fucking rod in my spine. They found a tumor in one of the vertebrae, so they had to dig all that out too. It's pretty rough, man, and my balance is all fucked up.' This admission sheds light on the seriousness of his condition.

A Farewell Performance in Doubt

Despite his hopes, Osbourne acknowledges that his dream of returning to the stage for one final performance might not be medically possible. He shares, 'I'm taking it one day at a time, and if I can perform again, I will. But it's been like saying farewell to the best relationship of my life. At the start of my illness, when I stopped touring, I was really pissed off... But as time has gone on, I've just gone, 'Well, maybe I've just got to accept that fact.''

Osbourne emphasizes that if he were to perform again, he wouldn't do it half-heartedly or seek sympathy. He states, 'I'm not going to get up there and do a half-hearted Ozzy looking for sympathy. What's the fucking point in that? I'm not going up there in a fucking wheelchair. I've seen Phil Collins perform recently, and he's got virtually the same problems as me. He gets up there in a wheelchair! But I couldn't do that.' It's evident that Osbourne wants to give his fans a true Ozzy experience or none at all.

Strained Relationships with Bandmates

In addition to discussing his health, Osbourne also addresses the strained relationships he has with his former Black Sabbath bandmates. He praises Tony Iommi and notes that even Bill Ward reached out to him, despite their long-standing feud. However, he expresses disappointment in bassist Geezer Butler's lack of support, saying, 'Geezer Butler hasn't given me one fucking phone call. Not one fucking call.'

Osbourne recalls how he reached out to Butler during a difficult time in their relationship when his son was born. He phoned Butler every night, despite their feuding, but received no response. He remarks, 'It's sad, man. We all grew up together, and he can't pick up the fucking phone like a man and see how I'm doing.' This highlights the strained bond between Osbourne and Butler.