Paul McCartney Reunited with Stolen Bass Guitar After 51 Years

Sir Paul McCartney has been reunited with the bass guitar he used on Beatles hits including Love Me Do and She Loves You, 51 years after it was stolen from the back of a van in London.


The Lost Bass is Found

Sir Paul McCartney has finally been reunited with the bass guitar that was stolen from him 51 years ago. The Höfner bass, which he used on iconic Beatles songs, was found in an attic in Sussex. The search for the Lost Bass was initiated after Sir Paul appealed to Höfner to find his beloved instrument.

The bass guitar was taken from the back of a van in London in 1972. It had been purchased by Sir Paul in 1961 and was used on hits like Love Me Do and She Loves You.

Reunion and Gratitude

A family living in Sussex came across the bass guitar in their attic after hearing about the Lost Bass search project. The project had appealed for information about the stolen guitar, and the family remembered they had an old bass guitar in their possession. In December, the guitar was finally reunited with Sir Paul McCartney.

A spokesperson for the former Beatle expressed his gratitude for the return of the instrument. Paul McCartney is incredibly grateful to all those involved in finding and authenticating the 1961 Höfner 500/1 bass guitar.

Solving the Greatest Mystery in Rock and Roll

The recovery of the stolen bass guitar has been hailed as a triumph by the team behind the Lost Bass search project. Journalist Scott Jones and his wife Naomi, along with Höfner bass expert Nick Wass, led the search for the iconic instrument. The team was elated to have solved what they deemed 'the greatest mystery in the history of rock and roll'.

Despite the lack of leads and evidence, the team received crucial tip-offs about the theft from the back of a van in 1972. The guitar had since been sold and ended up in a family's attic in Sussex. The discovery of the bass and its subsequent return to Sir Paul McCartney was a joyous moment for all involved.