Polar Bear Sleeping on an Iceberg Wins Wildlife Photographer of the Year Award

The image is a poignant reminder of the earth’s fragility and the threats of climate change.


British Photographer Wins Wildlife Photographer of the Year

The Natural History Museum has announced the winner of its annual People’s Choice Award for Wildlife Photography. Out of over 50,000 entries submitted, British photographer Nima Sarikhani captured the attention of the judges with her image of a polar bear sleeping on an iceberg.

Sarikhani took the photo during a three-day tour of Norway’s Svalbard archipelago. The image has stirred strong emotions in many viewers, showcasing the impact of climate change on these majestic creatures. Despite the challenges we face, Sarikhani hopes that her photograph brings a sense of hope and inspires action to restore our planet.

Titled 'Ice Bed,' Sarikhani's image has been described as poignant and beautiful by the director of the Natural History Museum, Douglas Gurr. It serves as a reminder of the fragility of our planet and the urgent need to address climate change.

Other Notable Submissions

Alongside Nima Sarikhani's winning photograph, the Wildlife Photography competition received many impressive entries. One notable submission features a turtle smiling as a dragonfly rests on its snout, showcasing the beauty of the natural world.

Another striking image captures a flock of birds forming the silhouette of a massive bird as they hover above the streets of Rome. This artistic representation showcases the wonders of nature and the harmony between different species.

In addition, a heartwarming photograph depicts two lionesses caressing their cub on the Kenyan plains. This touching moment highlights the importance of motherly love and protection in the animal kingdom.