Police Officer Conducts Search for 'Gender Queer' Book in Eighth-Grade Classroom

The American Civil Liberties Union expresses concerns after a police officer searches for a book in a Massachusetts classroom.


ACLU Raises Concerns over Classroom Search

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has raised concerns after a police officer, dressed in plain clothes, entered an eighth-grade classroom in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. The officer, accompanied by the school's principal, turned on his body camera and conducted a search in search of the book 'Gender Queer: a Memoir'.

The search was prompted by a report claiming that the book was sexually explicit. Although the officer did not find the book, the police emphasized their obligation to investigate as they received a complaint. The school district later issued an apology for the handling of the situation, asserting their firm stance against book banning.

Ruth A. Bourquin, a senior managing attorney for the ACLU in Massachusetts, expressed her organization's concerns over the incident. She stated that the act of police officers searching for books in schools is typically associated with countries like communist China and Russia, questioning the motive behind such actions.

ACLU Requests Body Camera Footage

In response to the incident, the ACLU has requested the body-camera footage from the police officer. The organization intends to thoroughly investigate the search that took place in the eighth-grade English classroom.

By examining the footage, the ACLU hopes to gain a better understanding of why such an intrusive search occurred. The incident has sparked a broader discussion about the limits of police involvement in schools and the potential violation of students' rights.

The ACLU emphasizes the need for transparency and accountability in this matter and will pursue further action to address any potential civil liberties violations.

Concerns Over School Policies

The incident at W.E.B. Du Bois Regional Middle School has raised concerns about the policies and procedures in place regarding book censorship and student privacy rights. Many believe that this incident highlights the need for clearer guidelines to prevent similar situations in the future.

The school district's apology indicates their commitment to ensuring that students have access to a diverse range of literature without censorship. They assert that book banning is not supported in any way.

The incident serves as a reminder to educational institutions and law enforcement agencies to strike a balance between maintaining safety and respecting individual rights, particularly within the classroom setting.